The Bible states in Proverbs 13:3 “Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.” Do you
truly want to be that type of friend who just stands there and says nothing,
even if the Spirit is churning within you and telling you to correct the
behavior? Instead we think…but what would people think? Would they stop being
my friend? Would I be disrespecting them?
We tend to go with the flow because in life we are taught that majority
rules. We guard our lips to preserve others, in that moment in time, but there
has to be a point where we stand back and say this is not for me. I either say something positive to help them see their wrong acts or don’t associate
with them any longer. Remember that
those who speak rashly will come to ruin; they don’t think before they speak, in turn, hurting those around them and breaking their spirits. We should voice
our opinion, in a respectiveful manner and with the Spirit's guidance, about what is right.
You might not
be part of the majority, but it doesn’t matter. You are doing right by God and
protecting those around you from reaping bad seeds. Galatians 6:7-8 explains: “Do
not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows
to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to
please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Do you want your children to be a
witness to something that you wouldn’t do or allow to be done in your home? Think about it! Sometimes, some soul
searching is needed in order for us to serve God in a purer sense and to allow
our loved ones, children and spouses to see that we are truly looking out for
their best interest. Those thoughts, words
and actions can get attached to you like a bug (sucking eternal life out of
your spirit and those around you), and not allowing you to act appropriately by mimicking
what you see.
Ponder on these questions and do some soul searching... Are you who people
think you are? OR Are you hiding your true self in order to be accepted?
I think that as we mature in our spiritual walk, we become more focused on being God pleasers than people pleasers.
ReplyDeleteThis is true. God allows us to see what/who is meant to be in our life in oder to fulfill our Spirit.