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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Battle of the Mind vs. Spirit

Have you ever gone through a tough time in your life and have needed some type of medication to get through?  Maybe you might not have been able to sleep; you might have had some type of anxiety, have been depressed, etc… You convinced yourself that you needed help and sought professional help from a doctor or psychologist in order to meet your need.  Know that all of these drugs are addictive. They can become downers and you can rely on them once your body has gotten used to their effects.  Throughout this time in your life you battle with your mind…meds or no meds.  Your spiritual being is telling you to seek the Lord and move forward with your life believing that through Him and only Him you will be healed, but your mind is telling you otherwise….I need someone to be there for me, someone that can tell me what I am going through, someone that can help me go through this, someone that knows, someone that will give me something to feel relief. 

See there was a brief time in my life where I too had the struggle with the mind and the Spirit. I was going through a tough journey. I found myself depressed and anxious. I felt all alone and to tell you the truth, in a worldly sense, I was alone.  I had accepted the Lord as my Savior, but I still hadn’t experienced what it was to have full blown faith in Him.  So, I felt the need to seek help.  Throughout this time, I sought out help from a professional and was medicated giving in to the battle of my mind.  I was suffering from anxiety and also horrible nightmares with sleepless nights. After about 3 months, even though the doctors told me to stay on the medication, I decided I no longer needed them.  I had acquired faith in the Lord and allowed myself to pray, cry it out every time I went to church, and let Him work in me.  "And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).

I asked God to heal my mind, body and soul in order for me to move forward and not be dependent on medication. "Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son" (John 14:13). I knew the Lord would heal me.  I had faith in Him because only he could do it.  A lot of darts were being thrown my way and I couldn’t attack them all. Having God in my life allowed me to learn that I didn’t need to be dependent on any medication.  Instead of weaning myself off the meds, I simply threw them away and acted like nothing ever happened.  Well, those of you that know how these meds work, you need to be weaned off of them in order to not get side effects, but through God, I was perfectly fine.  I no longer had any sleepless nights, or suffered from anxiety and if I felt it coming on, I prayed and glorified God and allowed myself the time to relax and step away from the things that were making me anxious.  I learned how to work and deal with the anxiety.  Our body is the Lords and we should keep it clean from toxins that will prevent it to work the way the Lord intended it to.  We have to learn to listen to it and allow it to tell us what it needs so that we can live a healthy and peaceful life in the Lord.  "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Seek to win your battle between the mind and the Spirit!

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