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Monday, August 13, 2012

Living Debt Free Series: Our Source

This week, we are going to be featuring a series on how to live a debt free life.  Let’s face it, who doesn’t have debt?  Sadly, I still do, but I’ve made improvements as I journey towards living debt free.  We can become free from debt, and be good stewards of the money and resources that God in his mercy grants us if we follow some biblical principles. In this 3 part series, we will address:

1.       Whose our source

2.       How we get in financial trouble

3.       Disciplines to develop

Week after week, the bills come in and before our next check has been deposited into our account, we have already designated how we are going to spend it. Most of the money probably goes to bills and the rest for entertainment; if there’s anything left! In this economy, many don’t even have a job and are struggling to find ways to make ends-meet. Is there a solution? Absolutely!

There is a promise for those who seek and believe in the Lord. Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  Now, just because we believe God will supply all our needs doesn’t mean we should go on a shopping spree and buy the latest gadget, if we really can’t afford too.  It means that we should not live under stress and worry about having our needs met.  We should pray and trust that the Lord will fulfill our needs while we are thankful and responsible with all that we have.  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.”- Philippians 4:6

We can’t be wasteful and need to focus on what is truly needed as opposed to what is wanted.  Half of the time we end up with a closet full of items that we wanted at the moment, but didn’t really need. Even worse, we end up charging items that we just couldn’t do without as if we had an emergency. (And no, taking advantage of the latest BOGO sale is not an emergency!) J

So the first step is to believe that God is our source! If we seek him in prayer and ask him to teach us how to make good choices, then we’ll be on our way towards living a debt free life!

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