As women, we have a lot on our plates. We deal with household issues/duties, taking
care of our children/spouse, working full-time or part-time, etc… all of it
takes a toll in our lives. Situations
may rise that tempt us to deal with things in an unspiritual way. We think that if we are not in a church
service or a spiritual setting that we don’t have to be in communion with
God. In all walks of our path as women,
mothers, daughters, granddaughters, and employees, we need to know that God is
always with us and if we give Him the glory and praise and worship him
throughout the day, we will be blessed.
We cannot let anything derail us off course, and interfere with the
blessings God has for us. We must be
strong and reach above the matter and say “…with God
all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) We must praise God and believe
that He will provide the guidance and sanity needed to move forward.
Personally, I had been
experiencing a difficult situation at work.
After some time, the issues kept brewing and I felt I was about to explode. I had to vent out so I decided to e-mail my
best friend since she always tries to provide a spiritual perspective. As I read her e-mail, I got chocked up. This is what she said:
“It's tough to work
under that circumstance. Don't let the situation get under your
skin. The devil is using it to steal your joy but don't permit
it. Overcome your emotions/feelings by having the strong will to show
Christ love even when the individual doesn't deserve it and is mistreating
you. Remember that we have to overcome evil with love. The more we
show love the happier we feel and the more victory we have over the devil, and
those that he is using against us. If we allow people to get 'under our
skin', we are giving the devil authority over our life, but when we stand firm
on the Word and do as told (which is to show love) then the devil has no say.”
I started feeling the presence of the
Lord. I began praising and trying to do
my best to keep a positive perspective in the situation and not let every
little thing bother me because at that instance everything was a
bother…everything that was said, done and even things from the past. I was still not feeling great, but felt God convicting
my heart through her words.
Once my workday was over, I headed to pick up my daughter at
childcare. As soon as I got into the
car, I started praising God again. As I
praised, my eyes filled up with tears. I
was begging God to bring relief to my soul.
I had been holding things in for a long time and needed to let go of it
all. Through my praise and worship, I kept saying “Todo lo puedo en Cristo que
me fortaleze.” (“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”-
Philippians 4:13). At one point, I felt the presence of the Lord and His fire. I saw angels surrounding my vehicle, my baby
girl was praising God in her own little way, and felt God was letting me know
that things were going to be fine. He
was taking control to steer my path and I just needed to let go. I was able to release all my feelings. I cried with deep sorrow as if I was grieving
a huge loss. I grieved over having to
deal with a situation that was out of my control and was hurtful to me, but I
was consoled at that moment because “…He who is in me is greater than he who is
in the world” (1 John 4:4). I felt bigger and better things were coming, and I
had to have faith that if I believed in God and allowed Him to truly work in my
life all things would be possible.
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