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Friday, October 5, 2012

The Impact of Your Words

It's evident how technology has made a big impact in our daily life.  For some of us, we have so much of it that at times we might get lost, but for others, it’s a way to vent.  Technology can be used for many different reasons, i.e. data entry, to research, watch TV/movies, take pictures, check your e-mails, and to communicate with others.  We can use our sources of technology as good or bad outlets of communication.  There are many times in our lives that we may want to scream, are annoyed or just want to share what’s going on.  Do we think before we express ourselves?  Do we just write whatever is on our minds?  Is it something positive?  Will you rejoice in the Spirit? Will it be harmful to someone else? 

God uses man to put things in our lives for the better; it’s our duty to do His calling and see what He wants us to get out of it. In the beginning of creation God speaks to Adam and Eve and says, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it…” (Genesis 1:28). What fruit are we producing? We have to be careful on how we express our lives through these sources of technology.  Once our thoughts are voiced, are we giving abundant life and pacifying others?  For example, Facebook is a well-known internet communication tool that is used to search for those you may not have seen in years whether they are family or friends.  Some people write about their whole day, others may write scriptures, while some are cursing out those around them and being a negative influence on those who read their feed. What you share with others might possibly bring them down or it may save their lives.
Consider other sources of quiet communication where you can voice your daily struggles or thoughts about others such as prayer and journaling.  Journaling allows you to say what you have to say, not hurt others, but still allows you to release tension or frustration.  Remember, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21).  Are you using your sources of communication for better or worse?  Think before you write. 

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