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Friday, October 26, 2012

Teach your Children

The early years of a child’s life are very important.  These years are where they learn right from wrong.  It is our job as parents to instruct our children to make the right/positive decisions in their lives so when they struggle they can learn from it. 
This might sound like a simple recommendation but it's effective.  Start out by working with your child on a daily/weekly basis on various activities.  Children love to interact with their parents.  It is a way to build that emotional bond and the trust they need to feel from their parents.  Children take pride in the work they create and if it’s a team effort it’s even more prideful. 

Some activities can be:

·         painting

·         sculpting with clay or play dough

·         playing games

·         puzzles

·         making homemade play dough or goop

·         working on their names/letters

·         blowing bubbles

·         outside play
These activities with children can go a long way.  Through all of these activities children are learning how to use their fine and gross motor skills (small and big muscles in their body).  Some of us use the television and sources of technology as tools to educate our children, but they are not learning much from it.  If anything we are teaching children how to interact with the media that might not be as positive.  Children aren't developing their communication, interaction, language and penmanship skills with all of the technology that is out there.  “Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them” (Deuteronomy 4:9).   As parents it’s our responsibility to instill hard working skills in our children’s learning process.
There is more than one thing to learn from an activity. For example, in the game Candy Land, the children are learning their colors, learning how to count and learning how to use their fine motor skills.  Also, if you know more than one language, use the language for a benefit in the activities you do with your children.  They are sponges and take in everything with a positive regard.  Let’s take the time to enjoy our children!

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