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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Quitting is Not an Option

The Lord has given us life, who are we to quit?  We need to be grateful for what we have even through the tough circumstances.  Allow yourself to accept what is and ask God to give you the strength to get through or work through it.  Stop asking God, WHY? 
Do not give up
He allows things to happen in our lives to make us stronger, to allow us to grow and have Faith in Him, and only Him.  Quitting is not an option.  He didn’t quit on us when he was fighting for our souls and life on the cross.  He suffered for our sins and forgave those who betrayed Him.  Let’s take some time and learn from our Lord and Savior, and move forward in our lives accepting the things that come our way.
We need to stop taking things for granted, and instead, seek to find the valuable lessons God is teaching us through each situation.  It might not be a lesson that we are willing to go through, but it’s necessary for our growth.  Learn to value that season! Give yourself the ability to break it apart and get from it what the Lord wants from you. “Blessed is the one…whose delight is in the law of the Lord…that person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.  Psalm 1:1-3 Don’t quit, be victorious!

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