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Friday, December 28, 2012

Calm your Mind, Body and Soul

The last couple of blogs have been about life’s expectations and motherhood.  These two aspects of life can take a toll on us mothers and at times we don’t know when to say no or how to stop.  I know I have this problem.  I over extend my abilities, and want to do everything and help everyone.  As Christian women, wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, sisters, and aunts, we need to learn when to take time out for ourselves and relax. 
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to relax.  Although I did work on some laundry, cooked and cleaned, I managed to unwind.  I gave myself the time to build up a bubble bath, placed some eucalyptus oil in the bath, gathered candles and lit up the bathroom with their scent, and dimmed the lights.  Soothing music was playing and I was in rest mode.  It was my time.  No one was home so I was able to read in the bath and just relax.  I tell you, those 20 minutes helped relax me for the whole weekend.  But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content(Psalm 131:2).
We don’t have to do anything extravagant to help us relax; just take some time for you.  Tell those in your family that you need a break. Then plan for it, and take the time to pamper yourself. 

Some ideas:
  • Do your nails: make a foot bath, massage your feet, cut your cuticles, and paint your own nails
  • Take a bubble bath and simply relax.  Don’t think … just lather in the quietness of life
  • After the kiddos are in bed or in the early morning, take some time to read…Gay Norton Edelman says in Find Time for What You Love, “actually makes you a better mom because it replenishes the well your kids are always drawing from.”  Reading relaxes the brain and allows you to prepare for the day or night by calming your mind.
  • If the children nap during the day or have quiet time, take some of that time for yourself.  Do something you truly enjoy!
  • If you enjoy arts, being creative or enjoy nature, make the time to have the possibility to get your creative inner self out again.  Your children can enjoy this too.
  • Writing
  • Exercise
  • Enjoy a hot cup of tea, hot cocoa, a cozy blanket and no noise
  • Take a nap
I personally love painting things. I don’t have a lot of time for it, but it relaxes me and I feel a sense of accomplishment when the product is done. I have started to teach my daughter that not all activities have to be very active. So I put on some soothing music and I’ve been teaching her that its relaxing time. She’s been learning to listen to the music and allows herself to calm her body. In the future, I will introduce art into this mood, allowing us to relax during this time and although she is with me, we can learn to relax together. :)

The less time you take for yourself the more resentful you will become.  A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel(Proverbs 15:18).  You don’t always have to be going, going, going like the energizer bunny.  As much as our husbands and children need us, we need ourselves as well.  We need to feed our souls with things we enjoy and allow ourselves to take some time out to enjoy what we like to do.  Everyone will benefit in the end.  When mom is happy, everyone else is too.  They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven(Psalm 107:30).

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