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Friday, September 21, 2012

Spicing Up Your Soul

As we grow older, we tend to give up on things that at some point in our lives have made us feel free, creative, peace and pleasure.  It’s not something that we wish to leave behind, but our lives get so busy that we forget how the simple things can bring joy back to our lives. 
Since my daughter turned about 2 years old, I managed to get my energy and enthusiasm back into baking. As a young girl, I enjoyed baking, but lost it throughout the years.  Allow yourself to feel the breeze in your life.  Renew your spirit in your old hobbies or desire. For me it was homemade baking. What was it for you? 
Allow yourself to be liberated! Make a mess, enjoy someone else’s company, enjoy the little things that matter, and those that we’ve left along the way.    Experience the sense of accomplishment once you are done.  In the Bible spices were mentioned many times.  The spices represented the truth and they were combined with oil to make perfumed oils.  These two combined represented holiness.  Spices allow us to retrieve the inner incense of our lives and bring holiness, truth and love.  Spice up your soul and renew the sweetness in your life!

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