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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What's Not to Like

Ask yourself the question:  “What’s not to like about my life?” 
At times we get caught up on what everyone else has, how others do things, how relationships are different and the materialistic things in life that we forget the mere importance of it.  Be grateful for your life, what you have and who is in it. 
Careless summer.

If there is an aspect you don’t like, you have the power to change it.  There are only 5 essential things you need in your life:
1.     God
2.     Food
3.     Clothing
4.     Shelter
5.     Water 
All the rest is not a necessity; they are wants.  Let’s stop wanting what we don’t need.  If we do, we will live a more appreciative life and enjoy the simple things in life. 
Life in itself has become so complicated, and at times because we want what others have, we make it more difficult.  We get ourselves into debt, we quarrel with our significant other, we let our children believe that they can have whatever they want and we allow ourselves to get upset if we don’t have the means to buy those wants. There is nothing wrong with your life and what you have because God has allowed us to have the essential things in life. Wanting more and more is not meaningful.  Be thankful for what you have.    Let’s stop asking for more because what’s not to like?

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