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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Finding Time for Him

Sometimes, I can honestly say that I’m running around on empty. I’m so exhausted about life’s ups and downs and all around that I find myself blaming God for things that happen. Sometimes I find myself overwhelmed, hurting or plainly just feeling ‘blah’ about everything. I think this happens in any good relationship. Our deepest bonds are with people who we walk through life with through all the highs and lows. God wants to walk with us just as we are.

It’s amazing that as I read and meditate on his Word, how quickly He can snap me back into place, and align my heart with His heart. There are times I’ll pray about the smallest things, and he will answer me. Do you know how amazing it is to realize that the God of the universe is reaching out to you?
Worship Girl

The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”  Psalm 145:18
At times I whine and complain about feeling far from God, but I only have to look at my time management to figure out what went wrong. Then I make a choice to be still before God. I make all the craziness of my life pause for a while and I draw near to God. God promises that when we do this, He will come near to us. He isn’t hiding from us. When we go to Him with a humble heart, He listens.

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