“She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She
watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of
idleness. Her children arise and call
her blessed…” (Proverbs 31:26-28). What
a blessing it is to be a mother!
It’s easy to get baffled by motherhood.
We exhaust ourselves cleaning up the house, running around after the
kids, doing laundry, taking care of their boo-boo’s, figuring out what meal to
cook for them, worrying about them, helping them with school work, trying to be
good role model, instilling in them the word of God, and the list goes on. I’m getting tired just thinking about
it. No doubt, the workload of a mother
is huge. However, none of this takes
away from the blessing of motherhood.
The bible says “her children arise and call her blessed”. We are blessed by God when we seek to honor
him and through the wisdom he provides, work at raising our children. I was recently raised with a dilemma that I
struggled to explain to my daughter. I
had to pray and seek the Lord for guidance, but as a result, I was able to have
an open conversation with her. We were
both able to share our concerns and thoughts and at the end agree on what steps
to take.
Let’s be honest moms, we can’t pretend to have any hope of doing a half
decent job with our kids, if we don’t seek the Lord for guidance. It’s tough, but we can do it! And as we journey through motherhood, let’s
enjoy our children. They say we need to
work hard and play hard. I think most of
us focus on the working hard and forget the playing hard. Have fun! Be silly with your kids. Dance around, play, laugh and rejoice!
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